Object and Type
Object : FCGeneric
Type : Method
Public Function TotalCount() As Long
This method returns back the number of rows currently in a generic object. For example, if you query a database table, and the query returned 14 rows, you would expect TotalCount to return 14. If you then called on AddNew to add a row, it would return 15.
This method returns back the total number of records in the generic object, even if it is a child object. To return the number of records in the generic object related to the current row of the parent generic object, use the Count method.
The total number of rows in this generic.
The following example queries the case table and the notes_log table. Then, for each case, it reports how many notes are related, and shows how many total rows are in each generic.
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
// Query case and notes_log
var boCase = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
var boNotes = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
boNotes.TraverseFromParent(boCase, "case_notes2notes_log");
Response.Write ("Total Num of Cases: " + boCase.TotalCount());
Response.Write ("Total Num of Notes: " + boNotes.TotalCount());
// Loop through all cases
// For each, print the case ID
while (boCase.EOF != true)
Response.Write ("Case: " + boCase("id_number"));
// Now print out how many notes exist for that case only
Response.Write (" Number of Notes: " + boNotes.Count());
// Now get the next case
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
Dim boCase As FCGeneric
Dim boNotes As FCGeneric
Set boCase = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boCase.SimpleQuery "case"
Set boNotes = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boNotes.TraverseFromParent boCase, "case_notes2notes_log"
MsgBox "Total Num of Cases: " & Trim$(Str$(boCase.TotalCount))
MsgBox "Total Num of Notes: " & Trim$(Str$(boNotes.TotalCount))
While boCase.EOF = False
MsgBox "Case: " & boCase("id_number") & " " & "Num of notes: " & _